Moving is rarely a fun experience but some people decide to move for a job or need a bigger place. If you think that the time has come for you to size up your space, then you should do it. However, you need to be aware of the fact that this decision requires a bigger investment which starts with hiring a moving company, for example. Even though you can find a professional household relocation company in London without breaking the bank, other moving costs might come out of nowhere. You need to be informed and predict all moving expenses as you plan and organise to settle into a new house.
Nevertheless, if the main reason for your removal is lack of space, perhaps you should think again and try to find a more cost-efficient solution, especially if you love your place. Here are a few smart ways to make your house or apartment bigger and more comfortable to live in. moving to a bigger place is not always the best solution.
Minimalist lifestyle will help
They say less is more. Minimalist lifestyle has become very popular recently because people choose not to be so dependent on physical possessions. Apart from more space, studies show that there are many other benefits of minimalism. For example, just clearing out our closet has a massive impact on our mental clarity and peace of mind. Less clutter means less stress and more time for doing things we actually enjoy. Therefore, before you start making plans for moving to a bigger place, declutter your house by discarding the duplicates or spending less money on buying items you probably don’t need. Consider this endeavour as reverse-downsizing. Imagine you are moving to a smaller place and you need to get rid of items you don’t use or need. Start with:
- Old magazines
- Old clothes
- Chipped dishes
- Old CDs and DVDs
- Expired medications and makeup
- Duplicate items
Rent a storage unit
You know that you have too much stuff but you also know that you cannot rid of it just like that. You want to keep it because you might need it someday, or at least until you decide to move for other reasons. Instead of moving to a bigger place, why don’t you consider renting a storage unit? This option is cheaper and you won’t have to get rid of anything. The storage unit will solve your space issues. Rather than having to part with your valuables or move to a bigger house for more space, you can keep your items safe for as long as needed. You probably have holiday decorations or other seasonal items that take up your space but you still need them. Storing them is a great idea.
Repurpose wasted areas
You probably have corridors and landings you don’t use but these can be ideal for storing. You can use all the wasted areas in your house to store some rarely used items to declutter and create more space. For example, you can build bespoke cabinets into your wall cavities.