People consider renting a storage unit for various reasons. Some are moving and need additional space to accommodate their belongings for a short period of time. Others just have no space to store certain items in their homes so they need to find a new home for them temporary. Whatever the reason, storage units are great solutions for people who struggle to find a proper space for their valuable belongings.
Before you start looking for a proper storage solution, you need to consider few things like what kind of unit you will need, how much space you will need, will you store items for a longer period of time or short period, etc. You also need to consider the value of your belongings, in order to ensure maximal protection while in storage. This is when you need to think about whether you will need a climate controlled unit.
Many moving companies provide clean and well maintained storage units for their clients and people who are not moving but still need to store their items. Sky Removals is such a company. It is a professional and experienced company that will put you and your needs first and ensure customer satisfaction. Contact them and find more details about their storing options.
Storing valuable items
When storing items of great value, you should consider renting moisture-proof and weather-proof units to prevent damages like yellowing, wrinkling, moulding and other. If you are storing valuable painting, unique furniture, books, photos and other, you need to make sure that they won’t be affected by weather changes and won’t be damages as they stay there for some time. Another solution is to rent a climate controlled storage unit to make sure your belongings are 100% safe and intact during their stay in there. If you are storing items for short time, you probably won’t need a climate controlled unit, unless there is a possibility of water damage. You should take into consideration weather and climate since some areas are unpredictable. However, note that all items you are storing need to be properly packed before placed in units. There are many websites offering advice and tips on how to pack items for storing. Ask your renter for more tips and tricks.
You should consider buying additional insurance against potential damage. Everything that is not stored at home won’t be covered by your household coverage so additional coverage is a must. Also, check with your storage company about insurance and see what they offer.
Research renters and check units
Before you choose your storage unit provider, do a research and see if the renter is reliable and reputable. Check for customer reviews, recommendations, compare prices, etc. After you get all necessary information and your quote, check the storage in person. Your unit should be properly secured and have the temperature adjusted if it is a climate controlled one. Ask about insurance, and see their options. Also, make sure your belongings will be safe in their hands. Make sure they have CCTV system.